MOORSIDE HIGH SCHOOL in Greater Manchester, Manchester

Education Centre Information: Moorside High School:

Establishment Type:Community School
Phase of Education: Secondary
Status: Open
Local Authority: Salford
Boarders: No Boarders
Sixth Form: Does not have a sixth form
Urban/Rural Description: Urban > 10k - less sparse
Special Classes: No Special Classes
Religious Character: Does not apply
Nursery Provider: No Nursery Classes
Total Pupils: 785
Number of boys: 389
Number of girls: 396
Admissions: Comprehensive
Age Range: 11-16
Gender: Mixed
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Moorside High School is an 11-16 co-educational school. Situated in a compact site, bordering the East Lancashire Road, Moorside High School has the advantage of being a large school with an extensive range of specialist facilities, which offer an education combining traditional values with a well-resourced modern approach. The original 1930s building has been improved internally with the development of a learning resource centre, and the refurbishment of the science laboratories and the technology suite. Capital building programmes have provided an improved main hall, drama studio, dining room and food technology rooms. A wide variety of extra-curricular opportunities are provided for pupils with music, drama and physical education being the backbone of the weekly extra-curricular activities. Opportunities include joining the choir, orchestra or an ensemble, holiday clubs, exchange programmes and visits to France, field trips, inter-school sporting events and raising money for charities. The school aims to develop a successful learning culture based on high expectations, where mutual respect and teamwork will support the quality of teaching and learning which is at the heart of the drive towards school improvement.


Address: East Lancashire Road


Postcode: M27 0BH
Greater Manchester, Manchester.
Telephone: 0161 7941045
Fax: 0161 794 1296


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